A container schema is a schema for any html tag that can contain children. Some of them are created to enforce the relationships between them. They will never be self-closing, have a primary attribute or be inline. Some of them only validate specific children that are supposed to be inside of them according to the HTML spec.
The ones that fall into this category are.
- details
- video
- audio
- address
- ul
- ol
- blockquote
- picture
- dl
- colgroup
- col
- p
- cite
Definition list are available through the dl
container schema and the dd
and dt
text schemas.
The dl tag can only have dd
and dt
as it's children. They must also be written as dd first then dt each time they are used as children.
{% dd %}
{% dt "verb" /%} {% dd "a word used to describe a action" /%}
{% dt "noun" /%} {% dd "a word used to describe a person place or thing" /%}
{% /dd %}
You can now specify columns in a table by using the colgroup and col. Both of them share the following attributes.
{% colgroup %}
{%col "content one" /%}
{%col "content two" span=2 /%}
{% /colgroup %}
span | type | required |
span | IntegerAttribute | false |
{% a href="/" %}
{% /a %}
You can use the anchor tag like a regular anchor tag.
It's children must can only be.
- span
- em
- strong
- abbr
- image
- img
- text
It's schema is called a
it supports the following attributes.
attribute | type | required | reference | matches |
href | HrefAttribute | true | ||
type | String | false | Media Types | |
referrerpolicy | String | false | no-referrer no-referrer-when-downgrade origin origin-when-cross-origin same-origin strict-origin strict-origin-when-cross-origin unsafe-url | |
download | DownloadAttribute | false |
Href Attribute
This is an attribute that checks for the following strings. It's a relative or absolute path A word that starts with tel:
and ends with a phone number. A http URL A word that starts with a #. A word that starts with mailto:
and ends with an email.
A schema that allows you to render the blockquote tag in Markdoc.
{% blockquote
Export extraction is a way to remove server code from the client bundle by relying on the bundle tree-shaker behavior.
-- Misko Hevery
{%/blockquote %}
It only allows these attributes.
It validates only these nodes in the blockquote tag.
- list
- paragraph
- img
- fence
It validates only these tags.
- p
- ul
- ol
- img
You can use paragraphs and the paragraph tag as well. It's schema has the following attributes built in.
It can only have the following children.
- inline
- text
- link
External Media
When it comes to the use of external media you can use the HTML tags you know. If you want to download a file you can use the a
tag in markdoc and the map and area tag as well. The audio, video tags are also available. You can use the picture tag and the image tag this section isn't about them. Information about images can be found here.
The audio video and picture tag must use a source to render anything. We don't allow any use of a src=
attribute at all.
It's easier to omit it's use whether than to check if it exists and the tag has no child at all.
Audio and Video
The audio tag allows you to play audio by linking to a file.
{%audio %}
{%source src="audio.mp4" /%}
{% /audio %}
The video tag allows you to play video by linking to a file.
{%video %}
{%source src="video.mp4" /%}
{% /video %}
They both share the following attributes With the following values.
attribute | type | required | matches |
autoplay | Boolean | false | |
controls | Boolean | false | |
loop | Boolean | false | |
muted | Boolean | false | |
controlslist | String | false | nodownload, nofullscreen, noremoteplayback |
crossorigin | String | false | anonymous, use-credentials, |
Unique to Audio
attribute | type | required | matches |
preload | String | false | none,metadata,audio, |
Unique to Video
attribute | type | required |
playsinline | Boolean | false |
poster | String | false |
width | IntegerAttribute | false |
height | IntegerAttribute | false |
{%picture %}
{%source srcset="audio.mp4" /%}
{% /picture %}
The picture tag is a tag that only requires the source and img tag as children. It will validate the source tags, only if they have a srcset=
The source tag
The source tag is a tag that can't be used on it's own. It must be used as the child of the picture,audio and video tags.
It has the following attributes.
attribute | type | required | error Level |
src | SourceAttribute | true | critical |
srcset | SrcSetAttribute | false | critical |
sizes | SizesAttribute | false | warning |
media | MediaAttribute | true |
Media Attribute
The Media Attribute is an attribute that validates a value if it's is a string that conforms to the required format for writing media and device media queries.
For the required media queries check out this page under Syntax.
Data Schemas
A Container Schema that accepts a property with a key called data and an value as an object literal is called a Data Schema. It's a schema that takes the keys of each value adds a data- as the prefix to it, lowercase's it, then it mixes that object with attributes that written on the tag.
{% p
I remember you were walking from the east when I saw you.
{% /p %}
The ones that fall into this category are.
- ul
- ol
- details
- p
There are schemas for writing HTML lists in Markdoc. Those are called ul
and ol
. They both only validate the li
tag and only allow list nodes.
The following attributes are also allowed
{% ul %}
{%li "Clean my room" /%}
{%li "Throw out the garbage" /%}
{%li "Do the laundry" /%}
{%li "Wash the dishes" /%}
{% /ul %}
{% ol %}
{%li "Clean my room" /%}
{%li "Throw out the garbage" /%}
{%li "Do the laundry" /%}
{%li "Wash the dishes" /%}
{% /ol %}
A schema that allows you to render details.
{% details %}
{% summary "The dog ate my homework" /%}
{% /details %}
It validates only the following nodes.
- paragraph
- fence
- image
- list
It validates only the following tags.
- p
- summary
- ol
- ul
Extra Attributes
attribute | type | required |
open | String | false |
This schema allows cite
tags to be rendered in markdoc.
It has the following attributes.
{% cite %}
{% a href="" %}Nineteen Eighty-Four{%/a%}
{% /cite %}
It only allows the following nodes
- link
- text
- em
- strong
It only validates a tag if it's an anchor tag